

We guide the sharing of ideas among colleagues to help professors show students how writing can be used to learn disciplinary content.


整个学期, CWAC过程 provides a number of resources and development opportunities for faculty.


We also work with faculty to provide writing support for their courses through CWAC过程's services.

Students and a facilitator in a 写作圈 in a busy Writing Center.


  • 教育咨询 about topics such as incorporating writing into your courses, 以读者的身份回应并提供反馈, 脚手架作业, 和更多的!
  • 为你的部门或项目举办研讨会,为你的学科量身定制.
  • 1-1或小组会议 来支持你自己的写作项目.  

    To access these CWAC过程 materials for WiD faculty, click here.


Students discussing an essay while sitting on sofas in the Writing Center.


Request that a CWAC过程 Writing Adviser visit your class, or even better, bring your class to the Center. Your students will have the chance to talk with a Writing Adviser about CWAC过程's services for 10-20 minutes.


Schedule a hands-on workshop on any writing topic, tailored to your course. 请参阅下面的“研讨会”选项卡了解更多信息.


如果你需要的话 1 - 1会话 对于您的学生,您可以与CWAC过程协调.

We will work with you to schedule the best week for the sessions and for the orientation and sign-up the week before.

This prevents CWAC过程 from being bombarded by too many students trying to visit all at once and not being able to serve everyone, and it also prevents students from misunderstanding CWAC过程’s purpose.

如果处理得当, required visits can be a positive experience for students who might not venture into CWAC过程 on their own.



You could request they write a reflection on how the visit affected their revision process.

We can also provide proof of attendance by request, 如果需要, 尽管结果往往不言自明.


每一个 写作圈 (1 CU) is made up of 3 to 4 students who meet weekly to workshop their writing in a discussion facilitated by a CWAC过程 staff member. 和所有CWAC过程服务一样, 圈子对所有学生开放, 本科至研究生阶段, 当然. To encourage your students to participate in 写作圈:

  • E-mail your students before classes begin and/or announce this on the first day of class.
  • Request that a CWAC过程 Writing Adviser visit your class on the first day to conduct an orientation and explain the Circles.





CWAC过程 offers workshops for any audience or discipline, at any level. 每一个 workshop is tailored to the discipline and the students' stage of writing.


  • 我们定制研讨会,以适应您的课程.
  • We enjoy designing brand-new workshops – please brainstorm with us! All workshop templates listed below arose out of such brainstorming with colleagues.
  • Workshops can be held either in your classroom or in CWAC过程 (De La Salle Hall).
  • Workshops are a mix of instruction and hands-on work; therefore, 这些课程通常是整堂课.
  • 要安排研讨会, 请联系乔·扎卡迪主任 在学期开始之前或开始的时候. At the bare minimum, we need two weeks to tailor a workshop to your students' needs.

APA的风格: Students become more familiar with the APA manual, including 引用s and strategies for integrating sources. 他们还制作自己的草稿.

化学摘要写作学生学习格式, 首选写作风格, and appropriate voice of a chemistry lab abstract. They also engage in workshop exercises to learn how to effectively implement the strategies into their own abstracts.

评估来源: Students practice evaluating sources on the basis of credibility, 相关性, 合理性, 和准确性. Students also go over strategies for using sources to support their theses and to develop counterarguments.

整合资源: Students learn to methodically integrate sources by identifying the components of source integration: introductory element, 证据, 和分析. 

促进同行评审: Students learn to consider their peers' papers, and their own, from the reader's point of view. A Writing Adviser instructs students in audience awareness, post-outlining, and commenting through description rather than evaluation. Then, students work in small groups, with a Writing Adviser facilitating at each table.

报价,总结, & 释义: Students discuss the purpose of each of the three methods of 证据 incorporation, and they work on their own drafts to determine which method is the best for particular circumstances.

修改策略: Students learn the differences between revising and editing, as well as why revising is essential. Students learn revision strategies such as post-outlining and apply these strategies during small-group collaboration.

论文发展: Students learn the key components of a thesis (observation, 解释, and purpose) and use them to develop or refine their theses.

研究写作: Students learn the process of researching and writing and map out steps for their own projects.


Have your students produced exemplary writing this calendar year? 鼓励他们服从 本科光谱, CWAC过程's annually published journal featuring excellent student writing across the curriculum.

如果你想用 本科 光谱 essays as models or readings for your class, please feel free 浏览我们过去的问题.

跨课程写作中心 (CWAC过程) is a free resource for members of the Saint Mary's community, 在所有学科中, 在写作过程的任何阶段.

  • Individual or group sessions are available in person or online via , by appointment or drop-in: De La Salle Hall, Rm 110.
  • Writing Advisers guide their peers toward expressing ideas clearly, 总是权衡受众和目的.
  • Authors share their drafts or course materials in order to brainstorm ideas, 修改, 或者在写作的特定方面下功夫, 比如组织, 引用, 语法, 或任何流派或学科的研究方法.
  • 欲了解更多信息,请访问过程 或者拨打x4684.